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Friday, September 11, 2009

Okay the blog is pretty much dead so I guess it's time to revive it yes?

Sec ones, I know y'all are very scared and all but don't worry alright? I'm sure all of you will do just fine. All of you are sounding good already. The most important thing is that y'all must RELAX and HAVE FUN. :)
Seniors, I'm sure we're all pretty nervous for the section comp yah? Especially because we're a small section of 5. But we've already worked so hard. We don't want to let our nervousness get the better of us right? No pressure for tomorrow. Whether we get a prize or not, the most important part is that we did our best and we had fun! :D


Okay here's the lyrics for our last song yah? Only 2 verses.

Swear it again (Westlife)

I'm never gonna say goodbye
'Cause I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love will remain
And I'll swear it all over again and I

I'm never gonna treat you bad
'Cause I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
And I'll swear it all over again

(Haha don't mind me I'm getting hyped up at night for no reason)

with loves, Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You all should go really go visit your facebook account(: Hahah.
Okay anyways..
I'm trying to revive this [stoopid] dead blog so yeah..
But I see many of you are quite sick and tired of my crap so yeah..
I shall post some decent stuff here(:
[For once.]

Flagday this Saturday, 20th June 2009.
Meet at TPY MRT exit leading to Block 157 [or something] at 9am SHARP.
Remember NOT to bring too many things or your shoulders will ache the next day(:
Listen to the words of a wise old [wo]man, ME, and you'll be fine.

Band Festival at the Botanic Gardens, 26th July 2009, Sunday.
Remember we once performed at the Botanic Gardens in.. 2007? [If I'm not wrong] Yeah now the next Band Festival is coming up next month and I hope many of you can go with me [to support my bro!(: ] No I mean.. To appreciate GOOD music!(: [LOL?] COUGHS. I mean, since you all are in band, you all should go hear how good bands sound like right?(: Okay that's crap.
[Who cares lah. MY main purpose is to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _. LOL(: It can always be another section outing anyways you know?(: ]

Congratulations to the following people for doing our section proud!:
Phoebe Yeo: Outstanding Section Leader!(:
Vong Shi Tian: Outstanding Senior!(:
Amanda Yip: New Section Leader!(:
Cheryl Lim: New Assistant Section Leader!(:
Celestine Kho: New Quarter Mistress!(:

[Hahah I feel so (UGH!) for congratulating myself -.-' ]

Alrighties it's getting later, I gotta go, and finish up my holiday homework):
Don't forget to come for flagday!
with loves, Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

with loves, Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009

heyyo peepos! it's me again! HAHAHA!

had intensive band rehearsals [WAH!] for the past few days which turned out to be very productive, right?(: we MAY be the lousiest section in the band, the one that always make the band rush at letter S or the one that destroy the band's intonation [ohwells..] but nonetheless, sir said that he has faith in we girls that we can sound nice in.. 11days, right? right? yeah man! so we should continue to work hard to get the sound he wants kay? do not disappoint him hor!(: must continue buzzing on the eupho mouthpiece(:

ohright. by the way.. this year's SYF camp was really dead because only two third of our section was here. the rest all sick. sigh.. amandayip and esther, better rest well hor! SYF is coming! don't forget there's soundcheck this tuesday people.. remember to bring your band uniform and make full use of that one hour at SCH. don't waste time talk here talk there, then never give what sir wants(: must be attentive!

didn't do much for bandcamp. had supper yesterday and we were given LOTS of BUNS! hahah! we only had 5people and guess how many packets of 6 we took? FOUR! HAHAH! but of course never finish all lah.. but on the average everyone ate 4. i know i had AT LEAST 4buns though - 1coffee, 1corn and 2sugar. HAHAH trumpeters have big appetite!
the group thingy was fun too, amanda yip and i were in the group named FIRE DRILL, phoebe and esther and sarah were PAPAYAS and cheryl and beverly were MAFIA. [something like that. sorry if i got your groups mixed up :/ ] of course.. MAFIA won lorh ): but FIRE DRILL second okay! still not bad(:

went into PA room to get ready to sleep, but realised there were lizards and ants and bugs all on the floor. like EWW. EWW EWW EWW. PA room so dirty.. eee. HAHAH. but we still slept there for the night. took quite a number of section photos before going to the next classroom to write warm fuzzys for the section. i went off tracked and decided to write a letter to our trumpet tutor which gave us our last lesson today ): awwwh.. he very nice one okay. hahah. yeah so i got a paper from grace [adam] and for the next 5minutes, i wrote : thank you. mr _____ [didn't know how to spell his name] thank you very much for your wonderful teaching in the trumpet. then i got stuck there. like LOL! that sentence didn't even make sense lah! probably because i was like dozing off already. cannot tahan sleeping past 12md wan.. yeah so went back to PA room with NOTHING done [waste time -.- ] and slept at around.. 1am i think ):

today woke up at around 7.30am [i think we were the last section to wake up :/ ] and were dressed in full school uniform [pinafore, white based shirt and school socks/shoes] while the rest of the band were in their wet games attire [dark coloured shirt, shorts and slippers] why leh? cause trumpet section is cool and unique. HAHAH NO LAH. cause we got tutorial at 8.30am ): SAD RIGHT? for all my 4years in IJ band, i never got to participate in any wetgames leh! last time cause i never bring slippers [i think..] then this time due to tutorial ): sigh but never mind. after breakfast [2boxes of cereal which we didn't finish.. ] we went up to bandroom and i got stomachache [for eating all the milo balls/honey stars that dropped onto the table after 5seconds. LOL!] so after doing what i HAD to do, i went out and realised the tutor outside of bandroom already. greeted him and went into bandroom to get instrument, only to see mr tang and some comm. members there, looking at that closed door, before finding out that the door handle came off so the instruments were 'locked' in the storeroom. OOOPS! :X what's more.. we having tutorial leh! sigh.. so i had to use phoebe's cornet which was in our section cupboard. EEEE like dam disgusting cause very long never use ><>
with loves, Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Greetings fellow earthlings :D
This is Seeteng from planet __________ (Fill in the blank).

Anyway, SYF is coming right?
But idk when exactly is it.,.
Sorry (: My Bad :x
Hahaha. i won't give ya'll tips what so ever
Cause i'll just confuse you all :D
But i'll give you trumpeteers moral support yeah? [:
Jia You (Add Oil, Geddit? :D)

You people confirm can get gold :D
Just don't let the nerves get in the way (:
Must play loud loud also yeah?
Rock on! \m/

VST is prep talking me now :O
Shi Tian, prep talk me later luh.
I'm tryna post something ya know? :D
You very long winded leh :x
HAHAHAH. Joking (:

Last but not least,
Idk why, but i have this STRONG feeling that tomorrow is a special day ( 19 MARCH :D )
Hmmm... (*wriggles eyebrows)

I wanna drink my soup :D

From Alien, KST[:
with loves, Wednesday, March 18, 2009